Lopl ir sustaines

Theoretical Framework 4. Sarah Pash will speak about how the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee has approached heritage management from a strong, self-determining stance and explore concepts of reconciliation and decolonizing heritage management practices from this perspective.

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Shahid Vawda, Puawai Cairns and Dr. Sarah Pash, will present their views on these challenges, and how communities and other stakeholders can work together to confront historic injustices and ongoing inequalities, and promote the emergence of decolonial heritage practices. Indeed, these terms are often used together to describe museum practices and departments aimed at the preservation of collections. Thinking from feminist and queer activist perspectives, this presentation explores care not as a logical couplet for conservation, but as a future-oriented horizon for imagining what conservation can become in times of decolonisation.

My presentation coincides with recent demands from diverse movements globally to decolonise museums.

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Increasingly, such critique has also focused on how museums confront their relationship with the colonial past, and concomitantly how they deal with the objects in their collections acquired during the colonial period.

I will take ICCROM and ICOM, both part of what might be called the structure of global heritage governance, as starting points to think through what might be needed to decolonise conservation, and to transform it into a decolonial practice of care.

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My presentation will not solely be theoretical in approach. I am particularly interested in injustices that rest on knowledges, or lack of knowledges, and current practices that have entanglements or connections from historical antecedents in a pre and colonial past.

ICCROM 31st General Assembly There are so very many remnants of colonial times: from street names and statues that glorify people responsible for massacre and genocide, to objects in museums taken from their original owners, to the human remains of unidentified people held as collection artefacts. There is so much missing in our museums and cultural institutions: histories, stories and traditions of indigenous people and communities, their knowledge of collections and objects.

The present, I contend, must be understood as coloniality, rather than a post-colonial linear development from colonialism. To answer this question there are two issues that need to be addressed. And how this modernity was, and is, imposed, resisted, assimilated and accommodated. What were and are the conceptual tools or knowledge deployed to this task?

Išskaitų rūšys, jų taikymas praktikoje aptartos vos keliuose moksliniuose straipsniuose, kuriuose didžiausias dėmesys skiriamas išskaitoms ginant trečiųjų asmenų interesus pagal antstolio pateiktą vykdomąjį raštąar įgyvendinant darbdavio teises, kuomet jis, dėl darbuotojo kaltės, patiria materialinę žalą.

Pridėta į jūsų krepšelį

Temos aktualumas. Lietuvai tapus Europos Sąjungos nare, tenka ne tik išpildyti ES teisės aktuose šalims narėms numatytus reikalavimus bei prisitaikyti prie senųjų Europos valstybių praktikos, bet ir nuolat tobulinti Lietuvos darbo santykius reglamentuojančius teisės aktus, vis platesnes teises suteikiant darbuotojams ir vis didesnius reikalavimus keliant darbdaviui. Tačiau, ar stengiantis apsaugoti, kaip preziumuojama, silpnesniosios darbo santykių šalies — darbuotojo — interesus, visada tinkamai saugomi ir ginami darbdavio interesai?

Ar LR darbo kodeksas ir teismų praktika suteikia darbdaviui teisę iš darbuotojo darbo užmokesčio išskaityti konkrečiai nereglamentuotus, bet darbdavio patirtus nuostolius? Į šiuos ir kitus, mano nuomone, svarbius ir aktualius klausimus, remdamasi Lietuvos bei kitų šalių darbo santykius reglamentuojančiomis teisės normomis, teismų sprendimais bei taikoma praktika, pabandysiu atsakyti šiame darbe.

1. Introduction

Hipotezė: darbuotojo supažindinimas su atitinkamu įmonės vidaus teisės aktu, nesuteikia darbdaviui teisės iš darbuotojo darbo užmokesčio išskaityti permokėtų sumų ar patirtų nuostolių. Darbo tikslas — įvertinti, ar pagal šiuo metu Lietuvoje ir kitose šalyse galiojančius teisės aktus, teisės doktriną ir taikomą praktiką darbuotojo supažindinimas su atitinkamu įmonės vidaus teisės aktu, suteikia darbdaviui teisę iš darbuotojo darbo užmokesčio išskaityti permokėtas sumas ar patirtus nuostolius.

Manto st. Daukanto st. Nėries st. Back then, this institution which had beds had three active departments: Internal Illnesses, Gynaecology and Surgery. Seven decades of activity: constant growth and improvement From one hundred hospital beds to health institution of the republican level Modernly equipped Klaipeda Red Cross hospital was opened on 20th June, on initiative of the doctor and chairman of Lithuanian Red Cross Society Rokas Sliupas.

It might take a bit longer to watch them all! Over 20 other computing facilities worldwide, including those at the UK's Universities of Edinburgh, Lancaster and Imperial College London, were also involved in successful tests of a global Grid service for real-time storage, distribution and analysis of this data.

When it starts in the LHC will probe the physics of the Universe at the earliest moments after the Big Bang - and in the process produce 15 million Gigabytes of data a year that need to be shared, stored and analysed around the world. The results of this challenge represent a significant step forward compared to a previous service challenge in early that involved just seven centres in Europe and the USA, and achieved sustained rates from CERN of megabytes per second.

Commenting from Mumbai on the significance of the results, Jos Engelen, the Chief Scientific Officer of CERN, said "Previously, components of a full Grid service have been tested on a limited set of resources, a bit like testing lopl ir sustaines engines or wings of a plane separately. This latest service challenge was the equivalent of a maiden flight for LHC computing. The remainder of the clause is called the residue.

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It is composed of predicator, complement and adjunct. The predicator is the rest of the verbal group other than the finite.

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According to Hallidayp. Thompsonpp. Since the finite is not part of the predicator, the predicator is non-finite. Therefore, there could be non-finite clauses, which have a predicator but not a finite one.

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The first function is that the predicator assigns a time reference other than the reference to the time of the speech. It also appoints different phases and aspects such as seeming, trying, and hoping. Further, it allocates the process, which might be action, event, mental process, and relation. In addition, it assigns the voice as active and passive.

Complement is the second element in the residue. It is the element, which has the possibility of being a subject, but it is not Hallidayp.

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The complement is usually realized by a nominal group. Unlike the predicator, which can only be one, the complement can occur twice.

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While the complement has the potential to be a subject, the adjunct does not. Thus, it is not a nominal group. Even though adjuncts are grouped in the residue; however, there might be adjuncts, which are not.

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This is related to the modal adjuncts and conjunctive adjuncts, which are important in the mood block and textual metafunction. The person system is another important aspect in the interpersonal metafunction analysis.

UK physicists have successfully taken part in a challenge to test an international scientific computing Grid under working conditions.

According to Pengsun and Fengfengp. In this context, Yep.

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  • Thematic Discussion: Decolonizing Heritage | ICCROM
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As such, three personal pronouns are found. They are the first, second and third personal pronouns. The third personal pronoun is related to participants in the text also. With respect to Arabic, a little difference in the structure of the interpersonal metafunction can be noticed.

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This is because Arabic has two kinds of sentences: nominal and verbal sentences Bardi, The verbal sentence in Arabic is the sentence, which starts with a verb. One the other hand, the nominal sentence is the sentence, which starts with a noun, although there might be a verbal group after such a noun.

Further, the nominal sentence can be purely nominal, thus, no verbs are found. As written by Bardip.

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